Hunza Valley People's Health, Wellness and Longevity

hunza valley people
The information about the life style of old and to very great extent, present Hunza Valley People, you are having before you now can literally transform your health and keep your wellness in a very surprising way.

Applying the secrets it contains will help you keep or regain your youthfulness and fitness.

That may seem as an usual claim for any health tips to make. And yet, it is totally up to you whether or not your health and wellness ambition comes true.

The health secrets reveals in this work are based on the understanding of the people of Hunza Valley, the Hunzakuts, whose reputation has spread all around the world. They inhabit some remote mountain range, and they are know for exceptional longevity.

Hunza Valley People's Location, Geography and Climate

The Hunza Valley, also called the "lost paradise", is situated in Gilgit-Baltistan in the northern part of Pakistan. The valley borders with Afghanistan and China. 

Hunza Valley lies as much as 3500 metres above sea level and is surrounded by peaks as high as 8000 metres. The region is divided into three geographic division - Upper Hunza (Gojal Valley), Central Hunza and Lower Hunza. 

Before the construction of road through Hunza valley by China in 1960s, the region is not accessible and was more or less completely cut off from the outside world.

The temperature of the Hunza Valley reaches the highest of 26 °C (79 °F) which occurs in May and minimum of 2 °C (36 °F) in the October.


Hunzakuts' Agriculture, Food and Nutrition

The people of Hunza Valley grow their food at the foot of the mountains. The superbly built and centuries old terraces serve as their farmlands.

On the slopes, the people grow Almonds, Walnuts, Apricots, Apples, Pears, Cherries and Grapevines. Grains, potatoes and vegetables are grown mostly on the fields.

They also raise cattle.

Hunzakuts practice organic farming. And before the contact with western world, the food they could produce was never enough for the whole year, so nature impose a season of fasting on them during which they survive on dried apricots and nuts.

As it uses to be, the external influence made few of the people of Hunza Valley wealthy, leading to the use of chemical fertilizer in farming. But fortunately, they realized the bad effect of this on time and stopped.

Now the Hunza Valley inhabitants now practice permaculture in addition to organic farming. Permaculture is a system of agriculture that uses a mix of trees, bushes, other perennial plants, and livestock to create a self-sustaining ecosystem that yields crops and other products

Life Style of Hunza Valley People

1. Hunza Valley People wake up every morning at 5.

2. They eat only 2 light meals a day.

3. Their first meal is served at 12 noon. So nothing like breakfast.

4. Hunza Valley people eat very little.

5. They observe long and strict fasting once in a year.

6. They drink only juice and not eat anything for once a week.

7. Hunzakuts observe physical exercise every day, at leaste walking for an hour daily.

8. People of Hunza Valley take Yoga practice (most especially Yoga Breathing) per day.

9. They observe short relaxation and meditation sessions several times daily.

10. Hunzakuts go to bed early and observe their nights sleeping.

Hunza Valley People, longest-lived and healthiest people on earth

The people of Hunza Valley were long considered to be the longest-lived and healthiest people on earth.

Their nutrition, the mountain air, and the glacial water are likely some of the reasons for this. 

It is believed that among these people centenarians are common, and that it is not unusual for elderly persons to reach the venerable age of 130. It has even been reported that a great number have survived to the incredible age of 145!

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