Baic Rules and Diet Ingredients of the Hunza Longevity and Wellness

the hunza valley people

The summary of the eating principle and basic diets ingredients of the longevity legends - the Hunzakuts can be categorized into three rules.

  Rule #1 - Frugality.

Here in the west people eat too much - much too much - sometimes two or three times more than our organism actually needs. And we’re not talking about people who have a weight problem either.

Try to fashion your diet according to Hunza standards: remember that these mountain people eat just two light meals per day, despite the fact that they perform extremely hard physical work for hours at a go, engage in demanding forms of physical workout, and give hours into hiking along sloped mountain paths each and every day.

All together they do not feel at all fatigued or weak. In contrast, their longevity and endurance is so great it has become almost legendary.

In reality, the best way to regenerate your body organs and give your digestive system a rest is to keep away from food, or drink only juice, for one day a week. Every springtime the Hunza valley inhabitants fast for a certain number of days.

While you don’t have to go all that way (if you do choose to fast, be certain you are properly supervised by a qualified health professional) you can gain motivation from the Hunzakuts style to nutrition.

  Rule #2 - Make fresh vegetables and fruits a key part of your diet. 

Eat most of your vegetables raw, or very lightly steamed. Cut down on your intake of meat, and try preparing your own chapatti bread (if you don’t have the time, at least replace white bread with bread made from whole grain flour).

  Rule #3 - Fasting for one day a week

Observing a prudent diet based on Hunza standards for the rest of the week, will be certain to extend your life and make you healthy. In truth, you will probably feel totally energized, both mentally and physically. Don’t be marveled if you find your life completely transformed, as your fresh physical and mental health results in greater serenity and peace of mind.

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October 20, 2018 at 7:24 AM delete

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