Hunza Diet Bread "Chapatti" Recipe

hunza diet bread

In our western world here, it is not possible for you to enter a local bakery and find Hunza Chapatti bread, made the old fashioned way, on the shelf. You gotta make yah own and here is the recipe.

Hunza bread can be made from wheat, millet, buckwheat or barley flour, but what is most important is that the flour is whole, i.e. it is not refined, and has not had its germ removed, a common practice here in the west. It is this part of a grain which gives it its reproductive power, as well as its brown color. 

Sadly, occidentals tend to associate the whiteness of flour with purity, something that is completely false. In addition, leaving the germ intact makes storing flour-based products more difficult. This presents a problem for the food industry, which prefers using refined white flour even though it has been stripped of most of its nutrients.

The germ of grains has astonishing nutritive properties. For one thing, it contains all of a grain’s Vitamin E content. This vitamin plays an important role in maintaining sexual functions in both humans and animals, and as you may know, sexual activity, which is directly related to the proper functioning of the hormonal system, is vital for health.

Preparation of Hunza Bread

The quantities indicated will provide a dozen servings. Preparation doesn’t take very long - about an hour in all.

1. Get some freshly ground flour. A mixture of wheat and buckwheat is excellent. 

2. Mix one third (1/3) wheat flour, and two thirds (2/3) buckwheat flour, for a total of 250 grams. That it is, mix about 80 grams of wheat flour and 170 grams of buckwheat flour. 

3. Add half a teaspoon of coarse salt, and 100 grams of water. Start by mixing the flour and salt, then slowly add the water while stirring until you obtain a smooth dough with no lumps.

4. Knead the dough on a floured surface until it doesn’t stick to your fingers. Wrap in a damp cloth and let stand for half an hour.

5. Then form into balls about 4 centimeters (3 inches) in diameter, and press into thin slabs.

6. Cook over low heat on a preheated, lightly oiled skillet (frying pan), and turn when half done.

Does this sounds too difficult? No! Why not give it a try. 

Hunza Chapatti bread can be served in a variety of ways: with cheese, honey, fruit, jam, etc.  Make it an integral part of your new diet. 

Just remember to buy freshly ground flour that has not had its germ removed. You can find this type of flour in most health food stores.

Although you may find the look of Hunza bread a little strange at first, you’ll soon get used to it. Just remember that the Hunzas are unconditional about their preference, and will not eat any other type of bread. If the proper flour is not available, they prefer going without bread at all. Don’t be surprised if, after a while, you feel the same way!

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