Behavior Modification Techniques to Weight Loss - Not Unhealthy Way to Lose Weight Fast

Behavior Modification Techniques

Eating aptly and losing weight can be hard. Changes in lifestyle and day-to-day habit are necessary to weight loss and maintenance of fitness.

Watching the food you eat and taking workout is not enough lifestyle to keep yourself slim and fit for long term. But it calls for changing one’s actions, thinking and feelings to eating and physical exercise.

Behavior adjustment is one of the most largely employed strategies for helping people lose body weight, keep fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle, and it is a key factor to any weight loss approach. 

The average period of behavioral treatment spans from 18 weeks to 24 weeks and results in losing about 1 pound a week. Average weight loss is around 20 pounds after 6 months. Participating in group weight loss and fitness programs are more effective than solo and private programs. 

Researches show several tools that are active in helping people make this change towards living healthy. These behavior modification tools focus on poorly adapted eating and exercise patterns that can lead to weight gain, and they are planned to decrease the response-producing stimulus in our environment that prone us to weight gain. 

These systems help to increase consciousness of eating and activity patterns, standardize eating patterns, decrease exposure to cues for unhealthy eating practice, and change responses to difficult conditions. 

Cognitive-behavioral strategies have also been employed as a weight loss procedure and offer an emphasis on conventional behavioral components and thought processes, attitudes and emotions related to eating and exercise behaviors.

1. Making Your Lifestyle AdjustmentPriority:

Bending your way of life to last till the end is a difficult task for most people. As you plan your new weight loss and fitness program, stay focused. Put your health as your #1 priority.

2. Setting up a Plan for Success:

Arrange various strategies that will help in meeting your weight loss goals. Commit to a start date and stick to it. Find out your diet and workout factor before you begin, and take into account barriers that may make it hard for you to reach your goals.

3. Establishing Goals for Eating and Exercise:

This is a crucial technique in beginning a weight loss program. Setting the right goals is an important step in improving your health and vitality.

a) Pay attention on more than weight loss. Create goals for  fat, calories, physical exercise and other changeable behaviors.

b) Aim at a short-term goal of losing 1 to 2 pounds of body weight weekly, and found the amounts of exercise and caloric consumption needed to reach this goal. Be practical in your short-term and long-term goals. Weight loss and fitness maintenance are life-long activity that do not take place overnight.

c) Choose effective goals that are: definite, achievable and practical. Eat 5 servings of vegetables and fruits and walk 30 minutes 5 times weekly. You will be happen to continue doing this once your efforts are giving you success!

d) To achieve your long-term goal, make sure you complete a series of smaller steps that get you closer bit by bit to your ultimate prize.

4. Keeping Track of Your Eating and Exercise Activities:

Self-observation is considered the basis of behavioral treatment. This includes observing and documenting all eating and exercise behaviors, and monitoring body weight. 

Self-monitoring is used to increase awareness of behavior patterns and to identify defective eating and workout patterns. It can be applied when you want to improve your weight loss endeavors and also if you are not certain of your progress.

You can think of self-examination as your "diary" for your exercise and diet efforts. Weighing yourself frequently can help you manage your success, and also help you detect any weight gain on time. Weight can vary from day to day, but if your body weight goes up 3 to 5 lb, then it is time to intensify your fitness efforts. 

Self-observation data you are recording can help you detect error that may make your weight to sneak back up. In the most basic form, the record should include the following: 

a) Time 
b) Activating event
c) Place
d) Quantity of eating
e) Workout (Physical Exercise).
f) Pound lost 

Your behavior approach to weight control record keeping can also be extended to include information on feelings associated with eating.

5. Keeping away from a Food Chain Reaction:

Stimulus control procedures are used to change environment influences that affect interest and eating patterns. The objective is to limit environmental factors that activate poorly adapted eating or sitting behavior. This includes learning what prompting-elements in your life that encourage unwanted eating and then taking control to modify those cues. 

Many people find out what cues prompt their eating habits by completing food and exercise diaries. Techniques that help people overcome their eating stimuli include: 

a) Changing serving and food storage techniques. For instance, using smaller serving dish to make your meal quantity bigger.

b) Eating regular meals without skipping.

c) Eating at same place and time.

d) Eating only when you are hungry.

e) keeping accessible food out of sight. 

f) Avoiding activities that encourage you to eat more than necessary (like watching TV)

6. Changing Eating and Exercise Patterns:

The goal of this technique is to change eating behaviors that create false sense of not feeling full or encourage overeating. Techniques used include: 

a) Reducing portion sizes.
b) Slowing pace of eating.
c) Leaving food on plate.
d) Measuring food intake.
e) Eliminating second servings.
f) Improving food choices.

To target your physical exercise efforts;

a) Integrate increased physical activity into your day to day routine. Take the stairs instead of elevator! 

b) Look for extra opportunities to be active outside of your regularly scheduled workout times. 

Physical exercise and workout can be classified as:

a) Programmed - regularly planned times of physical exercise for a calculated amount of time and intensity.

b) Lifestyle - increasing energy outflow throughout the day. Lifestyle activity has been linked with weight loss in several researches, and it is a great alternative for you if do not like to exercise.

7. Contingency Management:

Positive rewards is used to encourage, stabilize and increase the maintenance of new eating and exercise patterns. Compensations that you control can assist you reach goals that are hard to achieve. A helpful reward is one that is instant, desirable and awarded based on your meeting a precise goal. Rewards can be;

a) Intangible - taking time off for yourself 
b) Concrete - treating yourself to a new CD.  

However, avoid all rewards that centered around food.

8. Reasoning Behavioral Strategies:

Cognitive behavioral weight loss tactics combine the conventional behavioral treatment components with importance on thinking patterns that may affect eating habits. Many people pay attention on unrealistic weight loss goals, perfectionist standards, justifications for eating, limited self-control and negative self-statements.

The goal of these approaches is to change unhelpful beliefs, mood, negative evaluations and unrealistic standards that affect eating patterns. 

These strategies also may include [stress management and confidence training to improve resistance to high-risk situations.

9. Stress Management: 

Stress is a primary harbinger of overeating and relapse. [Stress management skills include:

a) Diaphragmatic breathing
b) Progressive muscle relaxation
c) Meditation

The goal of stress management is to decrease provocation and provide distraction from stressful activities.

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Behavioral weight loss treatment. How to change your eating habits with behavior modification. Weight loss behavior modification techniques. Behavior modification weight watchers. Examples of a behavior modification technique for weight control

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October 20, 2018 at 7:24 AM delete

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Bunty Roy
October 29, 2018 at 11:57 PM delete

What an wonderful post. Very nice to read. I very much appreciate the way you have provided extremely useful information about the behavior modification technique to weight loss. These days people in general are extremely concerned about being fat and always on the lookout for an effective weight loss solution. Recently I came across the Fat Decimator System By Wes Virgin. I have found it extremely useful and effective. Maybe you can also try it out at once.


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