Youth Is A State Of Mind - Great Lesson from The Hunzakuts


"Accepting the fact that you are aging already makes you old."

This statement may sound a little extreme to some people, but that is probably because they are not fully aware of the impact the mind has on the body. Knowing how to cultivate a youthful state of mind by remaining curious and enthusiastic will add years of youth and health to your life. In this respect, your mind is the real Fountain of Youth.

What is exceptional as well as strange about the Hunzakuts is that they appear to apply these great laws of the mind unconsciously. Their original conception of aging is only one aspect of the process, although it is quite spectacular in itself.

Another important aspect is the fact that Hunzas of all ages seem immune to depression or negativity. Even though the conditions under which they live are much harsher than our own, they seem able to cultivate a prevailing attitude of optimism and good humor. They live every day as if their whole life were ahead of them, instead of behind them… In fact, given their exceptional longevity, that is not far from the truth!

Their existence is completely different from ours. Modern man is trapped in an endless race, obsessed with past events, and constantly worried about a future that he can never seem to catch up with. The Hunzas do not seem to worry about the future, nor are they burdened with concerns about the past. They live in the present moment. And it is only in the present that eternity exists. Self doubt and the fear of failure, which tend to undermine the well-being of so many people, are unknown to the Hunzas.

Dr. Hans Selye, a world renowned specialist on the subject of stress, wrote: 

We are just beginning to understand that most common diseases are caused by an extreme reaction to accumulated stress, rather than by bacteria, toxins or other external agents. Many health problems - gastric or intestinal ulcers, high or low blood pressure, certain types of rheumatism, heart disease, kidney problems, emotional and nervous disorders, and so on, are really the result of an inability to adapt to various forms of stress. For that reason, knowing how to deal with daily stress and handle emotional trauma is vital if an individual is to remain healthy.

The Hunzas seem to be completely immune to these kinds of stress-related health problems. They are perfectly adapted to their environment, and to their way of life. In some respects they are like children - happy in the present moment, not worried about the future. But at the same time they possess the wisdom of the sages. We are the mirror of our thoughts. The serenity and vitality of the Hunzas proves that they have attained perfect mastery over their thoughts, and possess what is so sorely lacking among people here in the west: peace of mind.

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