Body Weight Control - Simple Ageless Pakistani Women Weight Management Trick Without Exercise

body weight control without exercise

Are you among the people that ask the following fitness questions:

1. How to lose weight fast without exercise?

2. I want to lose weight fast without exercise?

3. How can I lose weight fast without exercise?

4. How to lose weight fast without exercise or pills?

5. Way to lose weight fast without exercise?

The main concern of this weight-losing and fitness blog post in the above questions is more of the "Lose Weight Without Exercise" and not "Lose Weight Fast".

It is about the wonderful and simple trick Pakistani women have been using from time in memorial to keep slim and fit without doing any planned physical exercise and workout.

The fitness trick is not a magic but a simple stimulation of certain glands that are involved in body weight control. These glands are thyroid and suprarenal.

Thyroid Gland and Its Body Weight Control Effect

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland found in the neck. It is located at the front of the neck, below the Adam's apple. The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones, which mostly induce the protein synthesis and metabolic rate. 

The basic function of the thyroid gland is the secretion of the iodine-containing thyroid hormones - the peptide hormone calcitonin and triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). The followings are the fitness-benefting functions of thyroid hormones on the human body:

1. They increase the basic metabolic rate and have good effects on almost all the tissues of the body.

2. Thyroid hormones influences the absorption of substances, appetite, and gut motility.

3. The hormones increase the number of free fatty acids and accelerate the breakdown of fats.

4. They reduce cholesterol levels by raising the rate of secretion of cholesterol in bile

        Suprarenal Gland and Its Body Weight Control Effect

The suprarenal gland (also called adrenal gland) is an endocrine glands that secrete different hormones including  adrenaline and cortisol and the steroids aldosterone. The hormones are found above the kidneys.

These hormones are part of the group of cells involved in a number of important weight control functions.

1. The aldosterone hormones regulates blood volume and mineral balance.

2. The cortisol influence metabolism rates of fats, glucose (sugars) and proteins.

    What the Pakistani Women are Doing to Stay Slim and Fit

The body weight management technique Pakistani women are applying to keep fatness and obesity away and live healthy, as I said earlier is stimulating the two glands - thyroid and suprarenal that are responsible for burning of fat and sugar in our body system.

The trick is just keeping a cord permanently tied around their forearms. 

As said by Doctor Drupas, a moderate, tender but constant pressure on the nerves in the forearm speeds up secretion of these weight-control glands.

Why don’t you try it? It won't cost you more than two ordinary elastic bands. Wear them around your right forearm, between your wrist and elbow, 1/3 of the way up.

The rubber stripe should exert noticeable but gentle pressure without cutting off the flow of blood and should not slip when you move your arm. 

This is not a tourniquet (a tight encircling band applied around an arm or leg in an emergency to stop severe arterial bleeding that cannot be controlled in any other way)!

For best results, wear the rubber bands constantly, even at night when you sleep. It is also recommended not to wear any other jewelry on the right arm.

There are several designer elastic hand bands in stores, get one and start wearing it today. You can't say, the miracle it will wrought about your body weight control without strenuous physical exercise.

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